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Equipment Catalog

Welcome to our Circulating Kit Booking Page! We welcome bookings from Indiana's librarians and teachers. Choose the category that you are interested in scheduling. Use the search bar to narrow your options. Book Club Kits and Lego/Duplo Kits circulate for 90 days. Storytime Kits and Escape Experience circulate for 60 days. Please pay attention to the due date when you book your kits. 

When choosing your dates, add two weeks to the front of your booking to account for shipping from the Indiana State Library. From there, you are allowed to keep your kit for 60 or 90 days, depending on the type of kit you have. Refer to the Terms and Conditions for more information. Your due date is the date that the kit should be back at the Indiana State Library. All due dates are calculated using 14 days (which is the estimated time it takes to ship the kit to you) plus a 60 or 90 day check-out, plus 14 days (which is the estimated time it takes to ship your kit back to the Indiana State Library).

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