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Color Our World: Summer Reading 2025 in-person workshop - Danville

Color Our World: Summer Reading 2025 in-person workshop - Danville In-Person

Gather with your colleagues from nearby libraries to kick-off preparations for Summer 2025!

This workshop is 2 hours/2 LEUs and will take place in-person at the below location.  The first half of the workshop will consist of a presentation about the Color Our World "art" theme, including suggested resources for planning and other general information.  The second half of the workshop will be a roundtable-style discussion of program ideas with all participants.

For the roundtable discussion, participants are asked to bring at least one program idea that excites them.  It could be one you or a colleague has done before, or one you are interested in trying.  The ideas do NOT need to be "art" themed.  You'll be asked to share that idea with the group so that everyone leaves the training with several possible program ideas!

Training Location

Danville-Center Township Public Library

101 South Indiana St., Danville, IN 46122

(317) 745- 2604


Workshop runs 10am-12pm EASTERN Time and is worth 2 LEUs.

Registration is required.
Please contact Beth Yates at byates@library.in.gov if you have questions.

Note:  Sessions will run until 12:00pm local time and will not include a lunch break; consider bringing a snack if you anticipate needing one.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
  Public Library Staff     Youth Services Staff  
  Offsite - See description for details.  
Registration has closed.

The Indiana State Library will make all reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activities. If you require an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in this program, service or activity of the Indiana State Library, please contact Michele Gibson, the Indiana State Library’s ADA Coordinator (mgibson@spd.in.gov). Notice of a needed accommodation should be provided as soon as possible to allow time for the State Library to arrange for the accommodation; however, notice of a needed accommodation must be provided to one of the above contacts no later than 48 hours in advance.

Event Organizer

Beth Yates

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